Disneyland Hong Kong... a must go place when you visit hong kong. here are some pics taken during our outing day to the theme park. It was actually our 2nd visit in 1 and a half years of life in Hong Kong. Nothing much to elaborate, let the pics tell everything.... enjoy!
Sampai je terus ada parade, so layan parade dulu.... mickey mouse and friends. Damia paling suka parade ni coz she got to see all the characters. Darwisya hanya minat the princesses jek. Tapi xdpt nak amik gambar princesses sb diaorg pandang sebelah lain
Main Street USA.... jauh di hujung sana ialah the castle. Kiri kanan kedai2 souvenir n kedai makan
This was at adventure land... bot ride keliling tasik. layan jugaklah.
Now darwisya punya time... naik rides. The flying Dumbo
Merry go round
Christmas eve in Disneyland... ramai giler manusia sampai x boleh nak gerak. papa agak frust sb xdapat nak amik gambar castle n fireworks. penat je angkut tripod yg berat tu... This was the first time we stayed till night. Overall the kids enjoy themselves, mama and papa penat, duit habis bayar tiket and beli food yg mahal.... tapi as long as the kids are happy, then mama n papa pun happy. Maybe lepas ni dah x dtg lagi sini. Bye!
smua nampak enjoy .. bestnyeeee.
ok la tu, enjoy your final month in HK.
xpe pasni hope kakak lebih berani ok! patutnye suruh damia jek nyanyi kot .. berani lebih .. ahaha.
enjoy... jgn x enjoy
hahaha... itulah kakak ni. harap dia ok skit bila dh start sekolah
Jealousnya. Rasa rindulah pulak kat HK Disneyland w/pun dah pegi 22X. hahaha (thanks to annual pass & sbb duduk kat Tung Chung)
Pasal Isya muka dah lain macam bila nak kena nyanyi Jinggle Bells, teringat Isya masa clown suruh nyanyi happy birthday masa birthday Shafiq. :D
I'm sure Isya will be ok bila dah start sekolah. Anak askar kenalah berani. :D
Mrs Z: rindu dtg la sini... boleh jln2 lagi. annual pass bleh guna lagi x?
hehehe... itulah isya. harap2 sgt dia berani skit lepas nih. kalau dia tgk gambar dia nangis kt bday party shafiq, dia malu. nak cover malu dia cakap dia xtakut dah clown...
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