This is one of her latest art work. Dah lama buat tapi lupa nak upload. Since we will be moving back to KL early next year, rasa dah malas nak buat aktiviti2 lagi. Teruk betul mama ni! hehe... She made this herself... dari lukis, color, koyak colored paper and tampal. Kalau nak ikutkan separuh siap dia dah merengek2 cakap malas lah, kakak penat lah tapi mama berjaya jugak pujuk kakak buat sampai habis. And as usual, she dedicate this picture to her beloved papa. Agaknya bila la mama nak dapat pulak eh???
1st day - UEA Village
10 years ago
hahahaha. tak habis2 papa dia
Cantiknya art work Isya. She's so talented. Nanti bila balik M'sia, make sure you sent her for art classes.
Takpelah Zaza, Isya selalu dedicate her art work to her beloved papa. Nanti tak lama lagi si Mia pulak will dedicate her art work to her Mama. :D
FrH: tu la pasal.... semua nya papa lah ;)
Mrs Z: thanks :) ye la kan, kena carik art class balik nnt so that she can join
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